Lakota-intiaanit saavat nyt jakaa tähtineuvostojen henkistä tietoa, syynä Äiti Maan saastuminen. Floyd Hand näkee nykyisen "maailman" päättyvän 21.1.2021. Se aika minkä me tunnemme, tulee päättymään. Standing Elk sanoi että tähti-ihmiset ovat täällä opettaakseen, huolehtiakseen henkisestä kasvusta ja valmistaakseen meitä käsittelemään haastavia maapallon muutoksia seuraavina vuosina.

"The Lakota/Dakota Medicine Men are now being instructed to share spiritual knowledge of the Star Nations, because of the contamination of Mother Earth and the pollution of the air. Oglala spiritual advisor Floyd Hand sees the end of the current “world” on January 21, 2021. Time as you know it is coming to an end.  

Standing Elk said that the Star People are here to teach, to foster spiritual growth, and to prepare us for dealing with the challenging Earth Changes coming up in the next several years. Standing Elk spoke of the Star Visitors communicating telepathically with Indians, and that the original Spiritual Language of the Sioux [different from conversational Lakota] is a language of a few cryptic key words, designed to stimulate, and be supplemented by, full additional telepathic communication. The same Star People who visit the Sioux also visit the Hopi Indians. He said that the Star People and the Indians have the same DNA. Standing Elk noted that there is Big News coming, “fast changes, but they are slow in arriving.”



Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde puhui tähtineuvosto -kokemuksesta saamelaisten keskuudessa. Charles Hall paljasti että saamelaiset ovat Barnard -tähden asukkaiden jälkeläisiä.

Finnish physician Rauni-Leena Kilde spoke of the Star Nations experience among the Saami (Arctic Circle indigenous dwellers) people she was raised with above the Arctic Circle and in Scandinavia. [Airman Charles Hall revealed that the Saami are drescendants of immigrants from Barnard’s Star.]

Her first remembered contact was when she was in a severe car crash. As she laid there mortally injured, a small Star Visitor was at her side working on healing her injured liver. Later the hospital staff could not understand how she survived the crash. Later she remembered Star Visitor contacts as a child living among the Saami. She reported that there is a change of attitude in Scandinavia and the European Union about cosmic contacts. She hears positive reactions to Star Visitor encounters. In Scandinavia the so-called “Grey aliens” [Zetas] are rare. Most common there are the small, short, wrinkled “Dwarf” Star Visitors. Her country borders Russia, whose cosmonauts were threatened with death if they talked openly about UFO encounters."



1-2-3 juttua päivittäin pysyäksesi rauhallisena, maadoittuneena ja turvassa. "Tarzan, Puristus, Veto"...

1) Thumping a gland in the center of your chest, called the thymus gland, gives you an immune system boost and is also effective for calming fear and balancing your entire system quickly. Simply use your fist and “thump” like Tarzan for about 30 seconds and some big deep breaths.

2) Place your hands at the sides of your waist. With your thumb in the front and fingers toward the back, slide your hands slowly and firmly down your legs. When you get to your feet, squeeze at the sides of your feet. Doing this on grass, dirt, or sand makes it even more powerful.

3) Place your hands at the bottom end of the central meridian, which is at your pubic bone. Inhale deeply as you simultaneously pull your hands straight up the center of your body, to your lower lip. Repeat three times. With the electromagnetic force of your hands, you are literally moving the energy in the meridian in the direction of its strength and in turn, the meridian is strengthening you. While doing this exercise, you can also add an affirmation such as “I am safe and protected”.

Breathe! Breathing allows energy movement in your body. If you hold your breath in crowds or around difficult people, you are actually preventing any negative energy from movinʼ right through you.Cross your arms/legs when feeling energetically vulnerable. This actually protects your aura and creates an energetic shield. Negative energy being directed at you will tend to bounce off of you and return to the sender. Pick your location wisely. Stand by a window or door in crowds and avoid sitting at the front of a class or room where people direct their energy toward you.

- See more at:


Gerard Aartsen: "The Space Brothers are the people from other planets in our solar system who come to Earth to assist us, not just humanity as a whole, but our elder brothers, the Masters of Wisdom in a major transition in consciousness, a realization or reawakening to the spiritual realities of life, to our real spiritual nature that we have lost sight of."


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