It is the One.
Thank you. Will you talk about Israel?
These are final skirmishes and repayments as both sides make statements. These statements are either to hurt as many as possible while facing sure defeat, or to destroy them once and for all.
One side has “won”. What you see are retaliations, paybacks, round-ups, disabling’s, clean-up. It is the most destructive force of this war and it begins/has begun in more of a visible way for you.
Realize that there are some who will perpetuate fear to garnish views and followers. Do not fall into fear. There are no unplanned exits. There are no unplanned exits.
What occurs on earth now is an attempt at this group’s “scorched-earth” behavior. In this way, they will see themselves as “even” rather than having “lost”. They will not exit quietly or peacefully. There is nothing to be gained, in their eyes, by doing so.
There are reports of other attacks, on US bases, as efforts to remove/rescue their own from confinement who were being held and on their way to a highly secure prison. Are these reports true?
As was said, they have enacted their “scorched earth” method. Some will attempt to surrender rather than be executed, yet these hold outs who offer cooperation, at this final stage, are not trusted. Chances were given before now – many of them.
The dark ones here now enacting absolute terror are only able to be stopped with force. You’ve entered a visibly brutal phase of your world’s liberation. It will not last long.
I am seeing something, like lone factions who are isolated and potentially deadly?
Yes. There are some (few) who may or may not be triggered “into action” at some point with potentially deadly results.
It is these players that the “calming trails” are aimed at. * As the frequency speeds up and supports unification, it is as if these individuals get thrown off – discarded and lost. They require assistance in order to return to appropriate functioning. These are humans.
All of who you are dealing with now are human; some (of them are) extremely corrupted and fighting and clawing to maintain their way of life.
Others of them expressing, in full view, the horror of earth’s capture. It is as if you now see and are witness to the type of disregard for human life that has been a staple on your planet since its capture.
These crimes are not new. The blatant, obvious, right in front of the camera nature of them is new. New for you; those of you who view life from a somewhat sheltered perspective.
What happens now is that you are viscerally feeling the horror that your fellow man, in some form or another, has felt long before this moment. These horrors have been ongoing – yet beneath the radar. They had an effect on those of you in the light of day – but in a somewhat removed fashion.
The attack on Israel is being called another 9/11 moment – an attack on the world. It is personal and felt.
In one more extremely visceral moment you experience unity.
Retain the image of the frequency acceleration throwing people off. There are deep truths held there.
As light-bearers is it vital that you remain solid through this storm; a lighthouse. A beacon. It will not stop increasing – yet realize that there will come a day when the speed of its vibration is the speed of everything. It will not stick out then. It will not throw people off who can’t/won’t hold on.
You witness now a vivid illustration of the horror perpetrated on earth’s humans. It is not over, (the witnessing). Yet you approach a calm.
This calm comes after this storm. Its effect will be felt as deeply as the effect of the storm. There are no words available to justify what is happening now. No emotion can be conjured to make sense of this.
This is because, my dear human, it will not make “sense” to any human. It is madness. It exits. It operates on a fear/hate frequency that stands out now in sharp contrast to earth’s emerging love frequency. The two cannot mix, and no longer will the horror be hidden.
You will see the outing of players now – who is who. Realize that every part played was done so to facilitate mankind’s awakening. Realize this and amplify your light and your love. These are the end times. Your power is required, and it stabilizes the coming frequency for all who are within your sphere.
Shine on, dear ones, shine on. You will not be disappointed.
That is all.
Thank you.
*This is a reference to the Pleiadians and what they are currently doing. Here’s a blog post that discussed their efforts (click here).
Cobra päivitys 10.10.2023
"As it has been said a few months ago, things are accelerating very fast since late September.
First, physical biochips have been cleared and all that is left in those locations in the body is a dead, inactive circuitry of the biochip. These biochip residues are also weak spots through which the Lurker can manifest distorted quantum fluctuations and anomalous plasma generated from subquantum unspace.
Lurker also emanates anomaly from subquantum unspace through quantum fluctuations and they distort elemental essence around the surface of the planet on the plasma, etheric, astral and mental planes. Lurker can then direct and manipulate this elemental essence to influence the surface humanity with increasing or decreasing the amount of quantum fluctuations at various locations in that elemental essence.
More intel has been released about the Lurker. Lurker is actually a conglomerate of all beings that were projected into subquantum unspace with extremely strong technologies in all previous cosmic cycles. The first such projection occurred at the beginning of time in the first cosmic cycle when the Source became aware that something as strange as primary anomaly exists. Then Source decided to project a part of itself into that anomaly in order to understand and resolve it, and that projected part became trapped in subquantum anomaly and became the first, primordial Lurker, with more Lurkers to follow in subsequent cosmic cycles:
Actually as a result of this, a part of the Source turned against itself and thus duality was born. Primary anomaly with Lurker was so strong that it hijacked the antahkarana all the way from the physical plane up to the highest dimension to a degree, and even Ascended beings lacked insight into what is really going on in the anomalous universe. Through cosmic cycles, Source was learning about anomaly and solving parts of it until very recently time arrived for completion of duality through the doorway of the 11:11:
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Very soon, an even more powerful doorway will open which will lead to final removal of darkness from the universe, and also final liberation of this planet. All intel about that doorway must be veiled for now, except this hint:
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Starting from September, this future doorway is already sending time-reverse loops through Minkowski spacetime, and this is why the events and situations started to accelerate.
First, the dark forces crossed a certain red line and as a response to this, the Resistance has started taking action. What they are doing must unfortunately remain classified for now, but hopefully I will be able to reveal it soon.
Let me just say that the dark forces with their collective actions violated a critical mass of Galactic Codex principles, and legally the Light forces have the green light to intervene on the surface of the planet, regardless of local laws which surface humanity is not respecting anyway.
First step of this surface intervention process was the removal of all those Light force individuals with too much war trauma or fear to meaningfully contribute to liberation process. Time of endless Galactic council discussions Is over. All those wounded and fearful beings were taken to locations outside this solar system where they will receive much needed healing and later they might join the liberation forces again if they will be capable or willing to do so. About 80% of all star races members were taken out of the solar system, together with about 40% of the Resistance, but the remaining beings are with much less fear and are willing to take action.
Saint Germain was given command to all underground and surface operations, and all Light forces not limited but including the Resistance and Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian and Central race fleets are now under his command regarding planetary operations. Ashtar was given command to all nearspace and space operations.
Saint Germain has given command to the Light Forces to immediately start taking action, and on October 5th the Resistance has cleared the vast majority of child abuse locations in the cellars under Black nobility castles, rescuing many children.
Black nobility has seen this as an act of intrusion on their private property and for the first time in their existence they became afraid for their own lives.
As a response, Pallavicini family has given orders to activate Doom33, or whatever is still remaining left of it, since Doom33 was greatly reduced in power in the last decade through actions of the Resistance:
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Let me refresh your memory about Doom33 from one of my past articles:
According to sources, the current war in Israel was masterminded by this guy, with connections both in Israeli high political circles and also with high connections in Hamas, and with Israel knowingly allowing for Hamas incursion to occur:
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The goal of the Black nobility is to expand Israeli conflict as far as possible with hopes to create a Word War III in alignment with Armageddon prophecies:
The Light Forces are doing whatever possible to limit the conflict and prevent it from spreading beyond Israeli borders. This is why it is of utmost importance for as many people as possible to continue doing the meditation for peace in Israel every 4 hours:
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The Resistance has used this conflict as a cover to finally be able to start some surface operations. They are now actively removing scalar and directed energy weapons from the surface.
On October 7th, Hamas started its incursion into Israeli territory, and they have attacked many party goers near Urim Kibbutz:
Using the chaos of that battle as a cover, Resistance members were able to partially disable some scalar and intelligence systems at Urim military base just a few kilometers away:
Urim base is marked with red cross on this map:
Surface operations of the Resistance to disarm scalar and directed energy weapons, which are harassing far too many Lightworkers, will continue. You can support their actions energetically doing the following mediation if you feel so guided:
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On October 2nd, someone with access to very high level intel and advanced understanding of operations behind the scenes, started posting coded messages on the US debt clock website.
The message on October 2nd quotes Matthew 21:12:
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The message on October 8th quotes Revelation:
(katsokaa linkit alkuperäiseltä sivulta)
Victory of the Light!"
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