Salanimella "Cobra" esiintyvä mies on plejadilaisten ja resistance movementin eli "positiivisen vastarinnan" yhteyshenkilö. Kanavoijana 30 vuotta, toimien rohkaisijana, katalyyttinä välillämme, vaikkakin lopulta kaikki on vain meidän ja korkeamman itsemme, valojoukkojen välinen asia, sillä meitä aktivoidaan toimintaan ja itsemme kehittämiseen.
Ensi viikonloppuna uusin 2019 työpaja sieluperheistä Unkarin Budapestissa.
Maksutiedot ja lisätietoja majoitusmahdollisuuksista, matkareiteistä paikalle ja tarkemmin luentopaikasta: Kokonaiset kaksi päivää on 200 €/hlö. Yksi päivä 125 €. Maksettuasi lähetä kopio kuitista sähköpostiin (linkissä). Luentokieli englanti. Lisäksi tehdään energiatyöskentelyä, meditointia.
16.3 lauantaina klo 10-13:30 SIELUPERHEET: Sielunveljet ja -siskot, sielukumppanit, kaksoissielut
Kello 15.30-19.00 UUDET IHMISSUHTEET: Sielun näkökulma, totuus ja rehellisyys, rakkaus ja seksuaalisuus
17.3 sunnuntaina kello 10-13:30 ISLANDS OF LIGHT (="valosaarekkeet) : Bubbles of Heaven ja Uusi Atlantis, planetaarisen valoverkoston pyhä geometria, contact dish ja entry protocols (sisäänpääsyn vaiheet)
Kello 15:30-19.00 YLÖSNOUSUN PROSESSI: henkilökohtaisen ylösnousun prosessi, ryhmäylösnousun prosessi, planetaarisen ylösnousun prosessi.
Viimevuoden Budapestin työpajasta muistiinkirjoitettu teksti täällä englanniksi:
Suomensin sen vain osittain:
Cobra: "Tämä on ensimmäinen konferenssi aikalinjalla joka johtaa Tapahtumaan, moniin yllätyksiin jotka vaativat enemmän suoraa osanottoa ennalta suunnittelemattomin tavoin." (Meditaatio yhdistymiseen yhtenä olemuksena, hengittäen sisään ja ulos kirkkaan valkoista valoa, yksi hengityskerta yhtä kehoamme kohti; fyysinen, eetteri ja mentaalikeho, OM mantra kolmesti.) En ole yksin tekemässä tätä, täällä on ollut kokonainen Plejadien laivasto torstaista saakka työskennellen läpimurron saavuttaaksemme. Isis Astara on kanssamme, kunnioitamme hänen muistoaan tällä videolla ( The Goddess Spiral Meditations). Jatkamme tehtäväämme kunnes valo voittaa, jokainen hetki on merkityksellinen, älkää unohtako sitä. Tähän saakka meitä on alistettu eriasteisille ohjelmoinneille. Luulen että kaikki tulivat tänne tarkoituksena avustaa planeettaa muutokseen.
Ohjelmoinnin tasot:
1. taso, kun saavuimme karanteeniin, olemme antautuneet mieltemme implantointiin jonka tarkoitus on todellisuuden havainnoinnin vääristely
2. taso on traumaperustainen, käsittäen monia elämiä järkyttäviä tapahtumia jotka muuttivat persoonallisuutta. Tietoisuus ei kykene käsittelemään niitä sillä se on alistettu tehokkaalle ohjelmoinnille.
3. taso on vanhemmiltamme, perimme tunteita äidiltämme. Jos äiti on peloissaan, hyväksymme sen tunteen omanamme.
4. taso koulujärjestelmä
5. taso media, radio, tv, sanomalehdet, Facebook, Whatsapp
6. taso skalaariohjelma
Ei ihme että jokainen on sekaisin. Tarvitsemme vapatusta näistä ohjelmoinneista.
Ylösnousu merkitsee tulemista yhdeksi itsesi kanssa. Jumalallinen avioliitto persoonallisuuden ja sielun välillä. Sitä ei tapahdu ellemme pyyhi ohjelmointeja pois. Työskentelmme niiden poistamiseksi, se saattaa vapauttaa osia joiden et tiennyt olevan olemassa. Plejadilaisten missio on vapauttaa paljon ja tuoda meidät lähemmäs omaa missiotamme, he myös avustavat planetaarisessa ylösnousussa. Käytätte omia aivojanne, en anna teille uutta ohjelmointia. (Kuva: Ehkä jos kerromme ihmisille että aivot ovat sovellus, he alkavat käyttää niitä.)
Tapahtuma televisioidaan ja teillä on siinä osa. Teihin otetaan yhteyttä. Teidän täytyy selvittää mitä tehdä, mennä itseensä ja löytää oma missionsa. Synnyittekö tänne tehdäksenne 9-17 töitä, omistaaksenne talon? Ottakaa selvä NYT, jokainen päivä on merkityksellinen, meillä on vain tietty määrä aikaa. Mitä näemme, on vain hyvin pieni osa todellisuutta.
(Kuva: Cobra "verhon" takana) Cobran lähiavaruuden lento venäläisellä lentokoneella johti chimera-ryhmän löytymiseen, toplet-pommit ovat yhteydessä maanpinnan populaation panttivankitilanteeseen. "Verhon" takana tuntuu kevyeltä, miellyttävältä energialta.
Galaktinen linjaus ja super aalto
Galaktinen Keskusaurinko välittää vahvaa energiakenttää. Yksi muoto on tachyonit joka on luotu alkumateria ja niissä on korkein mahdollinen värähtely. Tachyoneja ei voi korruptoida tai käyttää negatiivisiin tarkoituksiin. Verhon takana tachyon partikkeleita on kaikkialla.
Ylösnousun prosessi
Henkilökohtainen ja kollektiivinen ylösnousu aurinkokunnassamme. Se nopeutuu ja nopeutuu kunnes tapahtuu läpimurto. Kaikki henkilökohtaiset missiot ovat osa ylösnousun suunnitelmaa. Teitä valmisteltiin tähän tulevaan aikaan monen elämän mittaan. Yhdessä henkioppaidenne kanssa teitte suunnitelman miten saavuttaa missionne, se on dynaaminen suunnitelma joka ei ole kiveen kirjoitettu.
Miten päästä selville omasta missiostaan:
1. Ole täysin rehellinen siinä että mitä tahdot todella elämässäsi. Seuraatko sisäistä ääntäsi vai yhteiskunnan ääntä? Oma vapaa tahtosi muuttaa tämän planeetan kohtaloa. Meitä on täällä tänään noin 270 ihmistä, jo tämäkin ryhmä kykenee muuttamaan maailman kohtaloa jos seuraatte sisäistä viisauttanne.
Asioita tapahtuu piilossa, voitte aistia sen. Massamedian tehtävä on vakuuttaa että mikään ei koskaan muutu. Viisi perhettä kontrolloi massamediaa, he ovat peloissaan että tapahtuisi muutos. Mutta kosminen kierros perustuu tosiasioihin. Alkuperäinen ajankohta Tapahtumalle oli 1995. Silloin oli pieni ryhmä sieluja, 20 henkilöä, joista 80 % kieltäytyi tehtävästään, siksi aikalinja romahti.
Katselen valotyöntekijöiden taistelevan internetissä, on lopetettava planeetan kohtalolla pelleily. Tämä aikaikkuna on täynnä potentiaalia ja vaaroja. On oltava yhteys maanpinnan ja avaruuden välillä. Tämä on syy miksi avasin blogini kuusi vuotta sitten. Minulle kerrottiin että joku alkaisi puhua massapidätyksistä. Helmikuussa 2012 Drake alkoi puhua (hänestä kerrottiin minulle 10 vuotta aiemmin), sitten tapahtui kohtalokkaita virheitä ja viime hetkellä kaikki peruuntui.
Teidän tehtävänne ei ole poistaa toplet-pommeja. Mitä tarvitaan, on ydinryhmä maanpinnalla jotka alkavat toimia. Heidän täytyy olla luotettavia. Muutos ei voi tapahtua elleivät maanpinnan ihmiset toimi.
Galaktinen keskus lähettää pulssin joka 25 000:s vuosi, lähettää pienemmän aallon joka saavuttaa auringon ja aktivoi sen. Tämä vaikuttaa maapalloon siten että superkirkkaat partikkelit ja tachyonit vaikuttavat valo-olosuhteisiin. Se sisältää paljon henkistä energiaa.
Olen saanut ohjeistuksen aktivoida oma perheeni täyteen linjaan planeetan ylösnousun protokollan suhteen.
Galaktinen valoverkosto luotiin monille olennoille joten jotkut kutsuvat heitä Blue Avians:eiksi, jne. Sivilisaatioon otetaan yhteyttä kun se ymmärtää valokoodit. Heliopaussissa on valtava laivasto emäaluksia jotka ohjailevat galaksin energiaa maapallolle sopivimmalla tavalla ihmiskunnan henkiselle heräämiselle ja ensimmäiselle kontaktille. He tarvitsevat korkean energian konduktoijia jotka ovat inkarnoituneet maapallolle, kyetäkseen säännöstelemään virtausta näiden ihmisten kautta.
Cintamani-kivi verkosto on onnistunut mutta tarvitaan ihmisiä jotka välittävät näitä energioita oman energiankenttänsä kautta. Heidän täytyy olla tasapainossa, kun muut sekoavat.
Torus -kierre on korkeamman tason elämän henki. Jokainen elävä olento on torus, sieluperhe on torus.
Syyrian taistelu liittyy Jumalatar pyörteestä taistelemiseen. Syyria on planetaarisen tilanteen barometri.
Uusi Atlantis ja energiaverkko
Saint Germain on Uuden Atlantiksen projektin päämies.
1.Atlantis: Pleiadin tähtijärjestelmä, tutki tietoisuutta
2. Atlantis: saari Atlantin valtameressä (tuhottiin 9564 eKr.)
3. Atlantis: syntymäisillään. Tapahtuman jälkeinen valosivilisaatio.
Pimeän verkoston tekoäly skalaariteknologia kuulee kaiken mitä sanotte, katselee kaikkea mitä katselette mutta ei kykene lukemaan mieliänne. Sen tarkoitus on estää kontakti.
Plejadilaisia aluksia on satoja käyttäen kloaakkiteknologiaa (näkymättömiä). Jos joku niistä muuttuisi näkyväksi, salaiset tutka-asennelmat ympäri maailmaa havaitsisivat ne sekunneissa ja vain pari minuuttia jälkeenpäin koneet pommittaisivat kohdetta.
Plejadilaiset tahtoisivat ottaa yhteyttä teihin, Semjase tahtoisi tulla ja tervehtiä. Mutta skalaaritutkat mittaavat aivojen sähköisiä osia, ihon sähköisyyttä ja pulssia, miettien mitä tapahtuu. Mutta tekoäly on tyhmä ja sen ohjelmoija oli itsekin implantoitu. Hän ei ymmärtänyt valoa eikä tekoäly ymmärrä myöskään. Tämä on se reikä matrixissa jonka kautta Plejadilaiset laskeutuvat. "
Grid is a dynamic flow of energy in sacred patterns (standing wave) physical and other planes as well.
Cintamani is about placing them in energy vortexes. Whenever you plant one, one mothership gets activated and begins to transmit energy to the grid, it becomes the anchor of a huge angelic being which creates a vortex of energy and anchors the goddess vortex energy grid mass meditations. The coming meditation at 4AM will save lives.
There were certain archon families in the physical plane that basically control the Vatican, Knights of Malta, secret societies and Black Nobility. Not well known is the Mercer family which controls the pharmaceutical industry and controls Cambridge Analytical which is behind the election of Donald Trump and is engineering misinformation.
The Facebook scandal is not about Facebook, it is about Cambridge Analytical and it has thrown Facebook under the bus and nobody is investigating Cambridge Analytical, but if they were to investigate, they would find interesting things because people controlling it have to do with the Syria conflict.
People supporting my mission connected me with Corey Goode and others, reaching 4 million people. It demonstrates the power of unified consciousness. It demonstrated one people can reach the planet. You can do the same once you have your mission, we can do this if we follow our mission 100%, potential is there. This is not just 270 people, we have tenths of millions of people at the Resistance Movement, hundreds of thousands of Pleiadians, Secret Dragon societies, Chinese Dragons, supporting this conference. If you decide to follow your mission you will have that support as well!
The Resistance Movement is guardian of many secret caves. The Agartha Goddess caves (also in Budapest) are important in the compression breakthrough because they have been used before. Certain objects of power were hidden on those caves and will irradiate energy as we get closed to The Event.
Questions and answers:
Chem-trails are about massive extinction of humanity but its efficiency is only 1%. It is a big waste of resources for the cabal. Pleiadians will clear it after The Event.
About synchronized meditation, if it has to be done at the same time: To be really powerful it has to be at the same time.
What do the children going to school need? They need you to be strong and loving and sincere and never lie to them.
Started a few years ago, people were contacted. After the January timeline change, Pleiadians decided to go public. If you have the title of the property you can dedicate it for first contact. Never say about this aloud. Reason being is the archon grid controller monitoring everything you say and see, and if they know, they will monitor the property and no contact will happen.
Their AI is stupid and will not recognize the signs of first contact.
Legal ownership of the property creates a loop that your property is not public but private. You can have a pleiadian ship in your backyard and the military cannot confiscate it. They can cover 1 or 5 landing cases but not 1000. They want to maintain the illusion, so they cannot afford killing lots of people. They will try to spin it through mass media, like “fake alien invasion”, they will increase articles about negative Pleiadians, negative … spin articles.
Pleiadians have saved my life so I know they are good. But people may be manipulated to believe otherwise.
Compression breakthrough changes but darks do not know. No idea what to expect, they have gone too far.
Galactic codex sets social interactions between various races.
On Jan the 27th the Galactic Confederation meeting decreed the earth as Galactic Confederation domain, enforced with military force if necessary.
Star-wars Benjamin fulford humans vs Dracos with exotic and occult technology as with ww2.
We have hundreds of thousands of light-workers meditating and ww3 was avoided. No meditation? Three days to WW3.
To come here you had to accept terms with the dark forces. An agreement that your consciousness will be limited and programmed. You have all signed this, but we have arrived to a moment of free will where we can choose to cancel them.
Those of you who have attacks have contracts from the past, if you cancel these contracts, attacks will stop.
In the name of my soul,
in the name of the Light Forces,
I cancel and nullify all and any past agreements and contracts with the dark forces.
All dark contracts are now, regardless of their content, regardless of my subconscious programs,
and with my free will,
I now declare myself free from those contracts,
and from all influences of the dark forces.
And now I decree full conscious cooperation between me and the Light Forces.
I know decree and I command, that my life be guided in full alignment with the divine plan,
I decree miracles to be manifested in my life,
in a way that will manifest happiness for me and for everybody involved.
So be it and so it is.
Every time you do this you remove…
If you release past contracts, you will be protected and have more freedom of movement, but you have to go through this period of awakening, awake now to who you are, what life is about, sincere and honest, what your mission is and understand the planetary situation.
Contracts are the base for implants, once contracts are cancelled, the process of removal has started.
Main implants, are the base of social programing. Earth´s society programming has not existed before. Planet X was liberated in two weeks, they were far more awaken that even this group here, so they raised and that was it.
Primary implant: Separates the soul from personality, splits us from The Source. Splits God and man, Goddess and woman. Implants are the source of religions, not created to connect but to separate god from man. It creates the need of a priest (negotiates between god and man) and does the programming, to be between, to reinforce the primary implant.
Christianity, 325 AD Eusebius took different books from different religions, to create a unified cult that would unify the roman empire as global dictatorship. One world government under jesuits.
The plan was to unite religions by, reinforcing this plan (at a society level), and to disconnect the individual from The Source. Only way is to star reconnecting with The Source.
Access your emotions. Your connection with your higher self can only happen when kundalini energy gets activated. Located on the 3rd eye. Kundalini should go up but this implant pushes the kundalini down and creates a powerful mental status (what you are and don´t, 80% of thought process). The key are the emotions because they cannot be programmed because they are connected to the Budic body. If you experience your emotions one part of the implant will dissolve. Critical mass emotion experience will help kundalini explode and dissolve the implant. No more teacher-student you will do your mission.
The second implant location is in the solar plexus.
Note: Cobra asked us to find it by placing a finger 3 fingers above the navel. Feels like something is there.
Separation between male and female, created male and female types and perspectives, perception. Separation of love and sexuality, both programmed different. Females feel heart energy, but not allowed to feel sexual energy, males the other way, so when man and woman are together they cannot connect because they perceive reality in a different way.
How to dissolve it. Men: allow to feel his heart and trust.
Women: Due to the implant and the abuse which started 5000 years ago, cannot express their sexuality.
Questions and answers:
Cuba was part of Atlantis, with many temples to the Goddess
Does 432 HZ help? Yes.
Note: To dissolve the primary implant we made an exercise of polarities writing down for several minutes: “I am god, I am not god”
It dissolves the implant by going to the extremes. If you continue, you will have a Samadhi experience.
Note: To dissolve the secondary implant we made an exercise of polarities writing down for several minutes: “sex is love, sex is not love”
Spontaneous connection to soul body pours energy to you light body, starts another in physical body, light of soul transmutes personality. Transformation of physical body were mitochondria creates energy and don´t need food anymore. Ascension body disintegrates in flash of light, not die, ascend. 500 people have achieved ascension. These 270 have a real advantage due to the information.
Soul can enter the body 1st exercise
Rising of kundalini energy 2nd exercise (own personal energy suppressed and programmed).
Creates a double column of light in which to manifest ascension. Light body portal to 5th dimension, so your consciousness is not limited to the time-space, creates a crack in the matrix (Neo). Your light body is a 5th dimension torus projected. Technique of light body activation.
A pleiadian space ship is the external body of a light being, driving ships with consciousness not with technology. Consciousness can create a wormhole. Consciousness does not need a space ship, the body is the space ship.
ATVOR is an advanced technology from the Galactic Confederation, a 5th dimension column of light from motherships into 3rd dimension. That technology can manifest perfection in life. Teleportation of physical body to mothership.
I call upon a pillar of pure white light to descend upon me and to form around me.
I call upon the presence of I am that I am.
I ask the presence of I am that I am to join and merge with me.
Sunday April 15th 2018
The archons have technology that pushes a soul into incarnation and a fake network of spiritual guides that can lead you in taking decisions. Sometime the archons will choose parents for you that will stop your mission. If you manage to do your mission in spite of your parents, you cannot be stopped. So the archons are helping you in a way.
It is the key for life and mission. There have been many books written about it (Law of Attraction, The Secret) but it is all incomplete info that makes people frustrate, but now the complete key to manifest, and I absolutely guarantee you, if you do it, it will work. It may take sometime but it will work. This is one of the reasons why I know The Event will happen: It cannot not be manifested because everything in the universe obeys the laws of physics…
The manifestation process has 3 steps and by repeating these 3 steps you can manifest anything. It may take time because we are in 3D. It is the same underline principle but the scope and time are different to manifest a cup of coffee or The Event.
1. Decision.
It is the most important step, it is a reflexion of your free will, you are a divine being that has free will, and this free will is the law in your universe, external reality has to obey it, and it is the manifestation of past decisions. For example, this room: architects, constructors, designers, electricians, all these people made decisions how it will manifest.
Our reality is the combination of everybody´s will (Illuminati, chimera, awaken people) and its how this mess is created, and the problem is people do not have free will or decision, and surrenders this free will and this is the reason why the dark forces have so much power. Rothschild made its plan 250 years ago and those Rothschild knew their great great great grandchildren will see the new order, their decision and their free will was so strong it almost manifested.
When your free will and decisions are clear enough your become very powerful. So the first step is to set clarity, what do I really want, what are my priorities, what matters, where do I say no, where do I say yes. To get clarity it requires honesty to yourself, to set clarity to manifest. When you set clarity, priorities are clear, decisions are clear, then free will spark as a diamond… and reality needs to adjust to that decision, the whole universe. If you would be able to see the energies around you, you could see a complete re-arrangement of the energy flow around you, because the energy arranges to the new pattern.
Implants: you begin to adapt to expectations and compromise your free will, so when you begin to realign your decision to what you really want, you come face to face to expectations from your parents or society.
Father-son approval: son wants to be approved and becomes a doctor, so he start medicine and becomes a doctor, but he is not happy because it was his father´s decision not his, and if you do many things like this your manifestation gets blocked, so you need to clear the manifestation channel.
First it is essential to live without compromises. The matrix has been setup in a way that only by compromising you will get what you want, that it is selfish to want anything in your life, and what you really want does not matter. So, to clear your manifestation channel clear compromises. Your life will become like a diamond, like a crystal.
2. Invocation
Means using your visualization, your imagination, your prayer, to start manifesting. When you are clear on what you want, fantasize, imagine, yearn as a tool to manifest and if you fantasize about something a lot it may be part of your mission. Follow it regardless what the society says. It is the key to your mission. Your mission is not about working hard, have passion about it. It is the thing you want to do above something else.
3. Physical action
You can decide and invoke but if there is no physical action, its not happening. An example from my life: I was selling a property so what I did is I wanted to sell it to the first person who called. So I visualize it, put advertising in paper and first person who called I sold it. It is because I was clear about what I wanted to happen.
Clear decision. Visualize. Take action.
There are thousands reading my blog everyday but few are taking physical action. Most are waiting for updates. I suggest people do something before the update. I don´t need a group of followers, I need a group of co-creators, a joined vision about The Event because each one has a piece of the puzzle.
Decide. Invoke. Take physical action.
Gets better with practice. Manifestation in 3D takes time, it is not a 5th dimension superconducting reality. If you want a coffee, 5 minutes, a house, years. As soon as you do not keep the energy up, you interrupt the flow and nothing happens. Three years for a house, keep it until the breakthrough, four years until it happens, never, never, never give up, and if you fall on the floor, keep doing it until it happens.
Physical action toward The Event: Spread the word, plant seed of vision. Many people want that but do not know it exists. Communicate the same idea with music, video, … arts. Any area of human activity can be a reflexion of The Event, and people will want it, and will not settle for less.
Picture: Out beliefs change the world.
We are shaping the reality of this planet. We have strong forces helping above and below our planet. So don´t be afraid to ask.
The only thing the dark forces can do is to test your decision, search for doubts, fear and insecurities, and might attack those, but, whenever your decision is absolutely clear, they cannot do anything about it, free will cannot be changed. (but they will attack those around you, their insecurity, their fears, their weak spots, their physical weakness), but it is the decision of those people to clear up. Shaman knows (its a tool for personal transformation, catalyzer).
All archons are testers, extremely unpleasant, but until gone, are showing our weak spots.
Saint Germain will support your manifestation process if you want to connect with him. At the moment of the invocation call upon Saint Germain because your decision is in the I am presence. Saint Germain has spread teaching of the I am presence, higher self divine will, and he is the one who has mastered the process of manifestation.
Alchemy: divine marriage between between personality and the soul. and it start the outer manifestation of inner alchemy
Advanced manifestation technology from the Galactic Confederation
Reality shaping: When you make a decision, you begin to shape space and time. Physical matter is made of sub-atomical particles which appear to be solid (standing wave) This can be done with technology or consciousness. Easiest way to shape reality is by attention, you can apply the law of attention to manifest, and you can apply this to manifest abundance.
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