5.4 Michael Love:n raportti onnistuneesta meditaatiosta, yli biljoona valo-olentoa/ihmistä meditoi. "Kaikki muuttuu maapallolla nyt positiiviseen suuntaan, suuria uutisia alkaa tulla tuntien ja päivien kuluessa. Valotyöntekijät ympäri maailmaa kertoivat kokeneensa meditaation aikana intensiivisen tasomuutoksen. Schumannin resonanssi reagoi myös meditaatioon."



Huomenna aamulla klo 5:45  massameditaatio johon havitellaan miljoonaa osallistujaa ympäri maapallon.

Astron sivuilla esim. lisää aiheesta suomeksi:



Cobran viimeisin haastattelu, suomensin Sisterhood of the Rose:n lähteestä.


Debra: Hei, nimeni on Debra, olen Sisterhood of the Rose:n ryhmänjohtaja USA:ssa. Tänään saamme puhua jälleen Cobran kanssa joka on on pääasiallinen Vastustus -liikkeen tiedottaja, hän tarjoaa tärkeää planetaarista ja galaktista tietoa blogissaan 2012portal.blogspot.com.  Tervetuloa Cobra, kiitos haastattelusta!    

Cobra: Kiitos kutsusta.

Debra: Cobra, kuten tiedät, Sisterhood of the Rose:n missio on tarjota ihmisväestölle lohtua, harmoniaa ja rauhaa tässä viimeaikojen hulluudessa (kuten sitä kutsuit), sekä Tapahtuman aikana että sen jälkeen. Tällähetkellä ihmiset ovat huolestuneita, jopa paniikissa koronavirus-pandemiasta koska niin paljon on epävarmuutta ja epätietoisuutta. Ymmärrämme että monikin asia ON epävarmaa tänä aikana mutta haastattelumme tarkoituksena on kerätä vastauksia usein kysyttyihin kysymyksiin, helpottaaksemme jännitteitä ihmisten mielistä.

Haluaisimme keskustella kanssasi tulevan Ylösnousun aikalinjan / koronaviruksen taltuttamisen meditaation tärkeydestä, koronaviruksen poistamisessa - ja sen aiheuttaman pelon poistamisessa - kyetäksemme siirtymään planetaarisessa evoluutiossamme takaisin positiivisemmalle ylösnousun aikalinjalle.

Debra: Olen koonnut melko paljon kysymyksiä, saanut kysymyksiä Sisterhood of the Rose:n ryhmistä ympäri maailmaa joten meillä on paljon keskusteltavaa tänään!

Aloitetaan puhumalla siitä mitä on meneillään koronaviruksen suhteen, sillä näyttää olevan suurta sekaannusta siitä mikä tämän pandemian agenda on. Ymmärtääksemme ja kuten olet sanonut, se laitettiin alunperin matkaan pimeyden suunnitelmana, pakottaa ihmiset ottamaan biosiruja sisältäviä rokotteita, maanpinnan väestön kontrollointiin. Joka siloittaisi tietä 5g vapauttamiselle, digitaaliselle valuutalle, sosiaaliselle pisteytykselle ja itsekaranteenille, maailmanlaajuiselle NWO dystopialle. Ja tiedän että kerroit myöhemmin meille että Vastustus kykeni tuhoamaan nämä biosirut, mutta rokotteet yhä saattaisivat sisältää vaarallisia kemikaaleja.

Monet spekuloivat nyt että tämä agenda olisi vallattu Valojoukkojen puolelta, salliakseen karanteeniajan, matkustuskiellot ja sulkemiset että viimeiset false flag -yritykset eivät voisi tapahtua ja että he käyttävät tätä aikaa tehdäkseen kulissientakaista työtä (kuten mahdolliset massapidätykset) siloittaakseen tietä Tapahtumalle. Joten Cobra, mitä tarkalleen ottaen ON meneillään? Ovatko molemmat puolet käyttämässä tätä pandemiaa hyväkseen?

Cobra: Pimeät voimat ovat valmistelleet tätä pandemiaa muutamia kuukausia sitten, ihan kuten sanoit, edistääkseen NWO (uuden maailmanvallan) dystopian yhteiskuntaa. Nyt Valojoukot käyttävät tilannetta, etenkin massakaranteeneja edistääkseen Tapahtuman suunnitelmia. Itseasiassa tämä karanteenitilanne on suuri mahdollisuus Valojoukoille arvioida maanpinnan väestön käytöstä ja luoda parempia malleja siitä miten väestö tulee reagoimaan kun Tapahtuma tapahtuu. Joten he keräävät arvokasta tietoa juuri nyt, joka tekee Tapahtuman operaatiosta paljon, paljon helpompaa sitten kun se todella tapahtuu.

Debra: Oliko pimeillä voimilla käsitystä että kun he vapauttavat tämän viruksen bioaseena, Valojoukot saattaisivat käyttää tilaisuutta tehdäkseen puhdistavaa työtä planeetalla Tapahtumaa valmistellessaan?

Cobra: Heidän olettamuksensa oli että virus olisi paljon vaarallisempi, tappavampi. He keskittyivät massapandemiaan, eli suunnilleen sanoisin että 5 biljoonaa tartuntaa ja 50 miljoonaa kuollutta. Tämä oli heidän päämääränsä, yksi vaihe operaatiossaan. Ja vaihe kaksi olisi ollut maanpinnan yhteiskuntien totaalinen romahdus "Mad Max" -tilanteeksi. Tämä oli suunnitelma. Tietenkään se ei tapahtunut eikä tapahdu.

Debra: Kykenevätkö he tekemään mitään tässä vaiheessa pysäyttääkseen sen positiivisen edistymisen jota Valojoukot tekevät näiden karanteenien aikana?

Cobra: Tämä koko koronavirus pandemia oli jossain määrin yllätys Valojoukoille. Pimeillä voimilla oli joitakin voimia puolellaan muutama kuukausi sitten kun he aloittivat tämän operaation mutta tämä voima pienenee ja pienenee ja pienenee. Joten tilanne kääntyy nyt hitaasti mutta varmasti Valojoukkojen hyödyksi.

Debra: Ok, hyvä. Jos poikkeustila julistetaan USA:ssa tai muussa maassa, tapahtuuko se positiivisten sotavoimien puolelta että massapidätykset voidaan aloittaa? Vai voisiko se olla pimeiden voimien puolelta pelottelun lisäämiseksi tehty? Ja miten todennäköistä on että näemme poikkeustilan tällähetkellä?

Cobra: Täytyy ymmärtää että jokaisessa maassa on sekä valo-osastoja että pimeyden osastoja, saman hallituksen rakenteissa joka maassa. Joten jos ja kun poikkeustila julistetaan jossakin maassa, molemmat osastot toteuttavat skenaarioitaan. Mutta sanoisin että lopputuloksen odotetaan olevan positiivinen. En odota mitään valtavaa NWO skenaariota tällähetkellä. Se on mennyt ohi jo. Olimme vaarallisessa kohtaa muutamia viikkoja sitten mutta nyt tilanne näyttää paremmalta.

Debra: Kykenetkö jakamaan mitään raporttia massapidätyksistä?

Cobra: En, itseasiassa massapidätysten suunnitelmat ovat hyvin tarkasti salattuja. Voin vain kommentoida sitä mitä toiset ihmiset ovat julkaisseet, voin sanoa että suunnitelma jonka Drake julkaisi, on suunnitelma joka positiivisella sotavoimaosastolla oli muutama viikko sitten. En voi kommentoida onko se yhä voimassa tai ei, ja sanoisin myös että on toisia osastoja ja ryhmiä mukana ja se on vain hypoteettinen skenaario joka saattaisi mahdollisesti tapahtua. En sano että se tapahtuu.

Debra: Koronavirus on selvästikin todellinen koska ihmiset sairastuvat ja jopa kuolevat mutta onko totta uutisissa ollut väite että organisaatiot kuten CDC ja WHO, paisuttelisivat luodakseen pelkoa?

Cobra: On monia ryhmiä ja osastoja varustettuna eri motivaatioin ja eri agendoin kautta maailman. Jotkut osastot ja maat tahtovat vähätellä numeroita, viruksen vaikutuksia. Jotkut osastot tai jopa jotkut maat tahtovat esittää sen jopa huonompana kuin se todellisuudessa on, joten numerot eroavat eivätkä ole todellisia. Mutta se mikä on suunnilleen todellinen arvio, on käyrän muoto. Siitä voidaan arvioida mitä tulee tapahtumaan ja ehkä tämänhetken melko oikea arvio joka kerrottiin massamediassa, oli noin muutama miljoona ihmistä saanut tartunnan ja muutama satatuhatta kuollutta.

Debra: Olet maininnut että paljon peloista johtuu ei-fyysisistä olennoista jotka elävät energiakentässämme ja että yksi asia jonka Valojoukot ovat viimeaikoina onnistuneet tekemään, on ollut puhdistaa nämä entiteetit plasmakentistä, koska entiteetit eivät tartu karanteenin aikana. Miten eristäytymisemme näännyttää ja estää näiden entiteettien leviämistä? Välittyvätkö ne fyysisissä ihmiskontakteissa, kun tunteikkaasti ja mentaalisesti olemme tekemisissä toistemme kanssa päivittäin, vai yksinkertaisesti siten että energiakenttämme osuvat yhteen kun olemme toisten lähellä?

Cobra: Ensinnäkin, hyvä uutinen on että kaikki plasma -entiteetit ovat periaatteessa täysin poissa. Nyt käsittelemme eetterisiä ja alemman astraalitason entiteettejä jotka ovat paljon helpompia käsitellä. Valojoukot käyttävät tätä ihmisten itsensä suorittamaa karanteenitilaa oivallisena työkaluna vauhdittaakseen huomattavasti näiden entiteettien poistamista. Jotkut näistä entiteeteistä ovat olleet maapallon pinnalla tuhansia vuosia; siirtyen sukupolvesta toiseen, äidistä lapseen ja lapsenlapsiin. Sama entiteetti riivasi perhelinjaa monia vuosisatoja ja nyt kuten sanoit, ihmisten energiakentät eivät enää limity sosiaalisen välimatkan vuoksi joten nämä entiteetit nääntyvät. 

Ne tarvitsevat vuorovaikutusta, fyysistä vuorovaikutusta, fyysistä läheisyyttä ja toisia lois -entiteetin tartuttamia ihmisiä elättääkseen itsensä, säilyttääkseen olemassaolonsa. Ne nääntyvät ja jossakin määrin näiden entiteettien leviäminen on samanlaista kuin virusinfektio. Se on oikeastaan energiavirus joka on saastuttanut ihmiskunnan 25 000 vuotta sitten. Nyt ei poisteta vain fyysistä koronavirusta, myös kaikki nämä entiteetit ja energeettiset virukset poistetaan, joka huomattavasti parantaa ihmiskunnan olemusta.

Joten huolimatta siitä että tämä koronavirustilanne ei ole miellyttävä, se voi olla jopa pelottava, lopputulos tulee olemaan huomattavasti positiivisempi evolutionaariselta näkökannalta katseltuna. Suurin osa vanhoista archon-infektioista yksinkertaisesti nääntyvät kuoliaaksi ja ovat poissa kun massakaranteenit päättyvät. 

Debra: Mielenkiintoista ja hyvä uutinen myös. Entä viimeinen puolustuslinja jota Chimera on käyttänyt aktivoiden plasman joka luo toplet-pommeja kaikkien maanpinnan ihmisten fyysisten implanttien sisällä? Onko KAIKKIEN maapallon väestön implanteissa toplet -pommi? Mitkä ovat sen vaikutukset ja miten voimme toimia sen kanssa? Onko mitään mitä voimme tehdä poistaaksemme näitä tai onko se jotain mitä vain Valojoukot voivat tehdä?

Cobra: Kyllä, tämä on se viimeinen puolustuslinja, sanoisin että vahvin niistä. Se on aktivoitu siinä määrin että nämä implantit ovat nyt tuottamassa topleteja, tuottaen kiertyviä mustia aukkoja. Valojoukot käsittelevät tätä melko tehokkaasti. Se mitä jokainen voi tehdä, tai sanoisin että eniten hereillä olevat ihmiset voivat tehdä, on puhdistaa implantti, etenkin ne jotka ovat aivojen etuosassa. He voivat puhdistaa niitä implantteja violetilla liekillä, käyttäen implantinpuhdistus protokollia joista olen puhunut konferensseissani. Olen julkaissut videoita. Olen julkaissut ohjeita. Ihmiset voivat lukea konferenssien muistiinpanoja. On eri tekniikoita, etenkin joidenkin pääasiallisten uskomusjärjestelmien implanttien poistamiseen. Tämä auttaa luonnollisesti Valojoukkoja purkamaan koko rakenteen.

Debra: Yksi niistä on käyttää "Olen Jumala. En ole Jumala" protokollaa?

Cobra: Aivan.

Debra: Miten vakava tilanne on implanttien suhteen?

Cobra: Se on pääasiallinen tilanne, Eedenistä putoaminen, paratiisista putoaminen. Tämä on se mekanismi joka on erottanut ihmiskunnan Lähteestä. Ylösnousun prosessi on itseasiassa prosessi jossa implantit poistetaan ja yhdistytään uudelleen Lähteeseen.

Debra: Entä nyt tämä plasman aktivointi joka luo toplet -pommeja implanttien sisällä, miten vakavaa se on?

Cobra: Se on hyvin kehittynyttä negatiivista kvanttiteknologiaa joka on tähän saakka estänyt Valojoukkoja pääsemästä käsiksi implantteihin ja poistamasta niitä. Mutta nyt Valojoukot, erityisesti viimeisinä vuosina ovat työskennelleet erityisesti täydellä omistautumisella ja huomion kohdentamisella näiden teknologioiden poistamiseen ja ovat olleet melko onnistuneita. Etenkin nyt viimeisimpinä kuukausina kun tämä koronavirus on antanut heille tilaisuuksia päästä tähän suoremmin käsiksi.

Debra: Hyvä. Viimeisimmässä Prepare for Change haastattelussasi mainitsit että on meneillään kvanttisota - voitko selittää mitä tarkoitat kvanttisodalla?

Cobra: Kyllä, jossain määrin. Valojoukoilla on kehittyneitä teknologioita joiden avulla he kykenevät poistamaan implantit. Ne koskevat toplet -pommeja ja muita kvanttiteknologioita. Pimeillä voimilla on myös ja oli, etenkin Chimera -ryhmällä ja kehittyneemmillä negatiivisilla roduilla, tietynlaisia kehittyneitä kvanttiteknologioita joiden avulla haastoivat Valojoukkojen kehittymistä. Tämä sota on saavuttanut huippunsa viimeisinä muutamina kuukausina. Nyt vuorovesi kääntyy hitaasti kohti valon voittoa näillä alueilla.

Debra: Oikein hyvä. Onko koronapaniikki harhautus tälle kvanttisodalle josta sekä valon että pimeyden puoli ei halua maanpinnan ihmisten tietävän?

Cobra: Oikeastaan, tieto tästä kvanttisodasta on jo julki. Koronaviruksen pelko on todellinen. Sen laukaisi sairaus ja tietenkin manipuloiva massamedia. Koronaviruspandemia itsessään on, sanoisin, tämän sodan rinnakkaisen tuhon sivuvaikutus.

Debra: Mitkä ovat mahdollisia skenaarioita mitä voisimme nähdä tulevaisuudessa tämän sodan tuloksena, positiivista ja negatiivista?

Cobra: Pimeät voimat tahtovat tietenkin edustaa NWO agendaansa. Heillä oli rajoittunut menestys tällä alueella viime viikkoina mutta samaan aikaan Valojoukoilla oli vielä suurempi menestys poistaessaan ei-fysikaalisia entiteettejä, poistaen negatiivista kvanttiteknologiaa. Kuten olen sanonut, todennäköisin skenaario on noin muutama miljoona ihmistä tartunnan saaneita, muutama sata tuhatta kuollutta, kun massakaranteeni päättyy noin kuukauden tai kahden kuluttua. En halua mennä tarkempiin yksityiskohtiin mitä Valojoukot tekevät ja miten vastaavat tilanteeseen sillä se on yhä salaista tietoa.

Debra: OK. joten keskustellaan miten voimme ottaa osaa positiivisen aikalinjan luomiseen tässä kvanttikentässä - tunnetko että tuleva Ylösnousun/ Koronaviruksen taltuttamisen meditaatio olisi tehokkain asia mitä voimme tehdä juuri nyt kollektiivina auttaaksemme maapallon tilannetta? Miksi niin?

Cobra: Kyllä tietenkin. Massameditaatio, tarpeeksi laajassa määrin ihmisiä meditoimassa, on yksi tehokkaimmista asioista mitä voimme tehdä, koska jos luomme laserin tapaisen kohdennetun huomion signaalin koherenttiin kvanttikenttään, me muutamme kvanttiaaltoja. Muutamme kvanttikuohuntaa. Informoimme koko planeetan kvanttikenttää siitä mikä tulevaisuus on. Itseasiassa valmennamme kvanttikenttää. Työnnämme aikalinjaa. Työnnämme aikafaktorin kulkua tiettyyn suuntaan. Tämä on jotain mikä on erittäin voimakasta. Ihmiset aliarvioivat ryhmämeditaation voimaa ja ryhmäpäätöksen voimaa. Voimme kirjaimellisesti muuttaa historian suuntaa. Meillä on käsikirjoitus. Meillä on tietty omistautuminen. Meillä on tiettyjä asioita joita ihmiset voivat visualisoida. Me visualisoimme viruksen poistamisen. Me tulemme visualisoimaan uuden todellisuuden jonka tahtoisimme luoda. Jos kriittinen määrä meditoijia saavutetaan, tulemme ehdottamasti muuttamaan asioita siihen suuntaan.


---- Jatkan suomentamista myöhemmin...

Debra: Wonderful! The time of this mass meditation on April 4/5 is scheduled at the moment of the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, which is one of 13 significant synodic cycles taking place this year. You’ve said this will be the first moment when a truly powerful energy of Age of Aquarius will hit the surface of the planet. Can you explain this in more detail and why doing the meditation at this moment is so important?

Cobra: First, I need to correct here. Jupiter Pluto conjunction happening now is not yet the synodic cycle. This Jupiter Pluto conjunction is seen from the surface of planet Earth. Synodic cycle of Jupiter and Pluto conjunction comes on July 31st; this is when you will see Jupiter Pluto conjunction from the center of the Sun. But this actual conjunction as seen from Earth on April 4th and 5th is a very powerful trigger. It is basically the most powerful trigger since January 11/ 12th when we had our last mass meditation, and this energy has a huge potential for a breakthrough of light. This is the moment where the Light Forces can take the lead, can take hold of [inaudible], and they can actually start dictating what will happen in this dynamic situation.

Debra: Yes, so it’s very critical. In the early sixties, four sisters at Garabandal received a vision of a miracle which would happen near Easter. Some have interpreted this as being the arrival of the galactic superwave as occurring in April 2020. Is this part of the reason this meditation at the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is so important?

Cobra: I would say that Easter of this year is another quite powerful energy portal. I cannot comment on what will happen there or what might happen then. But I would say the timing of the galactic superwave is not yet determined to the degree that could be released publicly.

Debra: OK. Normally our goal for these global meditations is to achieve critical mass, which is around 144,000 people, however you have stated that it’s important for this upcoming meditation that our numbers are higher, ideally around 1 million people. Why is this?

Cobra: It is because we have an amazing opportunity this time. The consequences of our meditation can be far more outreaching because the situation we are now having on the planet is something that has never happened before. It is not business as usual anymore. People are more open for unusual solutions. They are more open to the Spirit. They are more open to the higher connection because many have realized that life as was is over.

Debra: What would be the difference in outcome between a critical mass of 144,000 and a critical mass of 1 million people participating?

Cobra: For example, in our last meditation had just about reached the critical mass of 144,000. We have managed to keep the positive timeline but barely. So this is why the situation since then until now was like walking on the edge. If we had one million people meditating in January, most likely the pandemic would not even be able to be possible. I would say that many times in the past, our actions have prevented similar scenarios. This is not the first time the dark forces are planning something like this; usually each year on average about two situations are like these are prevented and never even come into the mass media. Light Forces are preventing them before they even happen and sometimes our meditations have prevented things like this.

Debra: Did our “booster” meditation on March 22 help increase the likeliness of success for our April 4/5 meditation?

Cobra: Yes, of course it has, it did. Our prognosis is quite good. We are hopeful that we can reach the critical mass of at least 144000 or even one million. We will see what will happen.

Debra: How is the “Unity in the Community” going? Are leaders and their followers jumping on board to participate?

Cobra: Many of them are, even some I would never expect they would, but there are certain people who I would say could really make a difference and, for some reason, are choosing not to. Basically, I will be able to comment on this after the Event. Before that, I would refrain from saying more on that.

Debra: OK. With enough people participating on April 4/5, we can create a positive timeline for humanity, that is our goal. What does that positive timeline look like? And without enough people participating, does that mean we would stay on a course of a negative timeline, and what does that look like?

Cobra: OK, we are still in a war. Light Forces are doing whatever they can, and the dark forces are doing whatever they can in their one way. The basic positive timeline has been secured, so that means that there will be the Event, there will be Ascension, there will be the liberation of the planet. That is secure, but we would like to make our journey to that particular moment as smooth as possible, as positive as possible. By reaching the critical mass we will ensure that this goes much easier. But again, we are in the war and there are surprises so I will not make any predictions about what will happen. I am sure that if we reach the critical mass, our future will be much brighter and our way to the final goal will be much easier.

Debra: What happened last time, didn’t we secure a positive timeline in our last meditation in January? What caused this to be compromised, did the coronavirus have anything to do with that?

Cobra: Yes, we did secure the basic positive timeline. We are going into the new Age of Aquarius, that had not changed. One thing that happened was that we had barely reached a critical mass, so it was enough, but barely enough. And the other thing is that there were certain things happening behind the scenes which were not very good, there were infiltration in teams, also in my team there was serious infiltration. Parts of the light network were compromised. Also there were some other situations which were not developing as we have hoped they would. Also, in the last two years, the Light Forces were taking some extraordinary steps to make certain aspects of the most awakened surface operation lightworkers to be ready for certain missions and that operation has failed almost completely, so it was known already in the summer of last year there will be some kind of a crash happening. I have received talks about financial crash since August last year. Information was given there is not enough time to create Islands of Light. I was not expecting a pandemic, but there was intel coming that we need to prepare for a hard landing, for a hard crush. This is what is happening.

Debra: Yes, I’d like to talk to you in a moment about the financial situation, but I just have a few more questions about our meditation. Is this meditation effectively a choice for humanity between the Event happening slightly later this year or the Delta Option, where the Federal Reserve System is shut down, a Special Secret Forces group initiates the removal of the cabal (but not the Jesuits, Black Nobility, Chimera, and Archons), occurring before the non-physical planes are cleared out, within the USA only, with the US Dollar collapsing, full disclosure not happening immediately, triggering a strong international reaction where we would experience an unstable and chaotic transition to the Event? Are we making a choice in terms of the amount of participants as to whether we would have more of a smooth transition to the Event or whether we would have to choose the Delta Option?

Cobra: As I said, I cannot comment on concrete plans of the Light Forces at this moment. I cannot even comment on Delta Option at this moment. But I will say that if we reach the critical mass, our path will be definitely smoother.

Debra: You have said that this upcoming meditation is a “test for the surface population whether it will be able to manifest unity or not. The Light Forces will be monitoring the level of cooperation and will use that as one of the determining factors for the immediate future plans for the Event.” Would you please explain what you mean by this? What happens if we “fail” this test?

Cobra: This test is not meant as a test in school. It is more that the Light Forces are monitoring how the surface population reacts so that they better understand how to carry out the Event operations: who to contact, who to be left out, who is reliable, and who is not. This the final test of that nature. After this test is over, they will not be evaluating surface population anymore, as they already have quite a good understanding of what they can expect from particular key individuals. This quarantine situation also gives them a lot of understanding of the group dynamic in a situation that is quite similar to the Event.

Debra: Interesting, that makes sense. So, we all know it’s important to keep our immune system strong right now, and being fearful can have a big impact on weakening it, so I’d like to discuss a series of topics about things many people have questions and fear about to provide them information to ease some of the uncertainty. The first thing I’d like to discuss is the financial situation.

Debra: During our last interview in January for the Age of Aquarius meditation, you indicated that the financial collapse would be a gradual meltdown, yet in your report following that meditation, you then said that was no longer an option and that it would be sudden and brutal. What happened to change it from gradual to sudden? Was it the work of the light or dark forces to cause this change?

Cobra: The Light Forces have simply seen that the dark forces can do their manipulations of the economy to the degree that it is not possible to gradually go through the purification process of the financial situation. That's not possible because the dark forces will always use one trick after another to mask, to suppress, and to manipulate the financial system. So the Light Forces will do a surprise attack when the time is right and they will crash the whole thing in a way that's the dark financial actions will not be able to deal with.

Debra: During your recent We Love Mass Meditation interview, you indicated that it’s possible that this crash could happen before our April 4/5 meditation. Could this still be the case?

Cobra: It is possible but less likely as things are developing now. This is not a highly probable possibility at this point.

Debra: If our upcoming meditation is a success, which we are planning on it to be, can this ease the financial crash or it’s basically going to be a hard crash no matter what?

Cobra: It will not be the final crash, because the final crash will happen just before the Event, but it can definitely ease the time between now and the Event.

Debra: So far none of the banks have collapsed, but are they getting ready to? I recently received a notice from JP Morgan Chase Bank that they sold my mortgage loan to a company I’ve never heard of to be effective immediately. Is this because they know they are going to collapse soon? If the banks collapse, what would happen to people like me with mortgages?

Cobra: This is what I was speaking about just before, they're using all kinds of manipulations to keep the system running in the way that they can grab as much money as possible. Bank collapses are not likely at this point; they can happen at a later stage of the collapse, but not yet as it seems right now. What will happen with the mortgages is that all debt will collapse in a hard crash just before the Event.

Debra: And bank credit cards would not be able to be used either?

Cobra: Exactly.

Debra: Maybe that’s why the Resistance Movement has advised taking cash out of the banks. People are wondering what would happen to their money in the banks? Does this mean all or most of our money should be taken out, or just enough cash to pay bills for a month or so while the system resets?

Cobra: Right now it is common sense to take some of the money from the bank so you have cash ready if you need to buy groceries, if you need to go to a store, in this global quarantine you need to have some cash on the side for those kinds of expenses. Regarding the Event situation, taking money out of the bank you need to use your own inner guidance. There has been enough intel released in the last eight years about how to prepare for the Event.

Debra: Right! According to MSN, there is a proposal to have a cashless system, where the bank would essentially become caretakers of your cash and would charge you for the service. Is this true, and does this mean that one faction of the Black Nobility/cabal is winning out in this situation if this happens?

Cobra: Yes, there are proposals in this direction. Of course, this Black Nobility faction is using this coronavirus pandemic to further their plans regarding a cashless society. There have been suggestions about this quite strong in the last week or two in the United States and Europe. But right now they are not winning yet, so there are other forces in play that can prevent this from happening. This was their plan. This plan was known, and there are actions being taken to stop this.

Debra: It was recently announced that the US Federal Reserve is now bankrupted and controlled by the US Treasury, going from a private entity to a government agency. What happened and what does this mean for the people? Is this something positive to bring the gold standard back?

Cobra: Well, this is not exactly like that. Usually it is that the US Federal Reserve and Treasury work hand in hand. They cooperate with each other. It is actually the Treasury which issues money out of thin air and the Federal Reserve purchases that and creating more debt in its balance sheet. So it's quite a complex mechanism which allows them to create money out of thin air. Almost nobody understands this. When they issue this aid of $2.2 trillion, which they have released now, or they will release in the economy, what they will do is that they will diminish the value of the dollar so an average person will not gain from this. They will actually lose part of their assets and they will lose part of their financial net worth. This is exactly what they want to do. This is why this has been released like this.

Debra: How would people lose some of their assets in this?

Cobra: If you have a house which has been estimated to have a certain value, if the dollar depreciates because there is more dollars in circulation, the real value of your house will go down.

Debra: Of course, that makes sense. Many people, businesses, and financial markets are experiencing financial hardship due to the coronavirus. Will major businesses close? Is a serious recession ahead? Is this one of the dark agendas of this virus? Or is this the light force’s way to bring about a new, healthier financial system for all?

Cobra: It is a mixture of everything. Now all agendas are being released and in play. So the dark forces were not hoping for a recession, they were hoping for a total collapse of the society and that's not happening. What is happening is a process which actually has a good outcome. It's a process of people really finding their values, having a pause, having a little bit of a break to re-evaluate their life to exit from the rat race a little bit—and of course this has certain economic consequences, it has a certain impact on the world economy. But the economy as it was in the last few decades was not healthy. The goals for more and more profit at expense of human quality of life, and expense of human connections, was not a solution. Now more and more people are realizing this.

Debra: During our last meditation where we reached critical mass, we understood it that the Light Forces could now more directly intervene in the system. Has that been happening?

Cobra: It is happening behind the scenes, but not publicly yet because the dark forces still control the mass media.

Debra: Going back to what you mentioned about the stimulus packages with this money that’s being created, G20 announced that its members will invest 5 trillion dollars to stop the coronavirus outbreak and boost the economy. Some countries are giving money to people who cannot go to work. Lightworkers might relate such a large amount of funding to GESARA. Is all this a sign that Light Forces are already releasing some preliminary prosperity funds before the financial reset?

Cobra: No, this has no relation to GESARA.

Debra: Ok, it it a positive thing that this money will be available to people or what is the agenda behind that?

Cobra: It is basically the only thing that could happen because if the economy and businesses do not receive the stimulus, the system will collapse. The Federal Reserve had no other option than to release those funds. There was no other option, they were pushed to the wall. So in a way it’s a good thing, but on the other hand, the dark forces are using the situation to consolidate their power even more.

So it's a double-edged sword.

Debra: Like all of this, right?

Cobra: Yes.

Debra: Is it possible yet for some lightworkers to start receiving funds from the Resistance Movement or the Light Forces?

Cobra: No, not before the Event.

Debra: One big debate in the awakened community is whether Trump is working for the “good” guys or the “bad” guys. Some are convinced he is saving the world and others feel he is a puppet for the dark agenda. Which is it?

Cobra: He's not saving the world and he's not a dark operative. He is somewhere in between. He has his own agenda which is to make America great again and to make Trump great again. He has advisers; some of them are Jesuits-type of people, some of them are connected more to the Zionist faction. He also has some good advisers who are connected to the positive military. So sometimes he listens to one side and sometimes to the other side according to what serves his self-interest the most.

Debra: And what about Qanon – spreading light or spreading deception?

Cobra: It is not the highest purpose to answer this question.

Debra: OK. Let me ask you about MIT just launching location-tracking technology for coronavirus patients and those they interact with, which brings up privacy concerns in the name of public health, similar to the monitoring and surveillance that has been happening in China to a frightening degree. Are these measures helpful in stopping the virus or is the purpose to bring the world one step closer to becoming a mass surveillance state?

Cobra: Again, this is a double-edged sword. Yes, this kind of tracking can help stop the virus and save lives, but if done from the wrong motivation, it can lead to greater control and surveillance.

Debra: People are talking about 10 days of darkness with the internet and media shutting down; is this true? Do we have a proximate date for this? Is this one of the signs before the Event? 

Cobra: I have received many reports from people claiming this, but my high intel sources are not confirming this. So according to my sources, this will not happen.

Debra: Ben Fulford states that Project Blue Beam is in the works for a last attempt fake Armageddon show. Do you see this happening?

Cobra: No. There are people who have plans, factions that would like to do this, but it is not technically viable. The Light Forces have too much power and too many resources to prevent this from happening. So it's not realistic. I am not expecting this.

Debra: There have been earthquakes in unusual areas recently – are these natural or due to clearing of underground bases? What is the current status of these bases and the Chimera?

Cobra: In certain cases, it is clearing of underground bases. In other instances, it is a lot of stress to the energy field and consequently a lot of stress at tectonic plates. The Chimera group is directly involved in the quantum war and they are losing, it was one of their main offensives in the last few months and they're losing quite much, especially the last few weeks. I will not comment further on that.

Debra: OK. We know that 5G seriously compromises the immune system, playing a critical role in this pandemic plan. In reference to the 5G technology being installed through Tesla star link, is this actually going ahead, and if so, can we counteract it? How are we going to be able to manage these harmful frequencies being beamed at the planet? 

Cobra: Yes, this plan is being implemented to a certain degree. The dark forces are making some progress in installing those 5G networks on the surface and in orbit. But the Light Forces are also developing technology to counteract it directly. So again, it's a war.

Debra: Is it possible for us to counteract 5G by burying Cintamani stones?

Cobra: Cintamani stones can strengthen your immune system and your energy field, so indirectly they would help to a certain degree against 5G, but it's not a technology to stop 5G.

Debra: You have mentioned in the past that the Cathars used Cintamani stones to open portals. Can you explain why they were doing this and what purpose those portals served?

Cobra: Some of the highly initiated, those Cathars who were initiated to higher grades of their order and some of the Templars who were also initiated into the Goddess mysteries, used this to communicate with non-physical positive ascended beings and also ascended Goddesses, such as Goddess Isis. They were using Cintamani stones to create a portal to connect the physical plane with higher dimensions and they were quite successful sometimes.

Debra: Would you suggest that members of the Sisterhood of the Rose use their stones to open portals like this?

Cobra: If they're capable and they are skilled enough, yes.

Debra: What skills would be required to do this?

Cobra: First they would need to have enough understanding, both intuitively and mentally, of how this kind of portal works. This is advanced work, it’s not for everybody.

Debra: In the past you mentioned that Cintamani stones are being positioned into dance floors around the planet in order to help facilitate the contact experience with positive ETs within the mainstream rave culture. Can you explain how that works? Are dancers able to have this contact when dancing in a trance state?

Cobra: Actually, yes. There was a project when certain amounts of Cintamani stones were placed in sacred geometry patterns around the dance floors at certain trance parties and people were having contact experiences with positive extraterrestrial beings as a result of that field.

Debra: Interesting. Does dancing increase your ability to connect?

Cobra: It can.

Debra: Now that we are getting incrementally a closer to the Event, are there additional things we can do with our Cintamani stones to add to their effectiveness, such as pairing them up with other powerful stones?

Cobra: That is not necessary. If you have your guidance, you can do it, but it is not in the primary goal of a Cintamani stone.

Debra: Their primary goal is purification?

Cobra: The primary goal of a Cintamani stone is to be your own personal stone to connect with your higher self, to assist your own ascension process, to melt your implants. For mission work, you can plant your stones in positions in a planetary energy grid in the ground.

Debra: Do you suggest having a personal stone as well as planting in the ground as a grid?

Cobra: Yes.

Debra: Speaking of the Event, I’d like to ask you a few questions in reference to that. A few months ago you said that the Betelgeuse star in the Orion constellation is dimming and that this is a good indicator that we are close to the breakthrough. Yet scientists have now said it looks like the dimming has stopped. What is the update with it?

Cobra: Yes, the dimming has stopped. It was just one phase before the final Supernova explosion, but it was a good sign that the time of duality is over.

Debra: And so stopping the dimming is not a negative sign?

Cobra: No, it means it just passed a certain phase and we're entering the next phase.

Debra: Good. In our last meditation in January we were fortunate enough to push us over the threshold into the next phase of the Compression Breakthrough, the Bubble Rising subphase of the nucleation phase. This phase has exponential growth that culminates to a boiling point, in our case, the Event. We are definitely experiencing the “end time madness” of this phase, but how can we instead experience more growth of Bubbles of Heaven in our lives?

Cobra: For Bubble of Heaven to be experienced, you need to go to nature away from people, because now the vast majority of the surface population is completely enmeshed in this pandemic drama. A lot of fears and programs are being triggered. You need to be at least 30 yards away from the nearest human being to experience Bubbles of Heaven. Extreme social distancing is needed if you wish to experience Bubbles of Heaven right now.

Debra: I’m glad you mentioned 30 yards because I was going to ask, if you’re in a busy city could you go into a city park, but chances are there’ll be lots of people there, so you’re suggesting going someplace where you’re 30 yards away from other people?

Cobra: At least.

Debra: Excellent advice. Can you give us an idea how quickly we are moving through this phase and how long it might last? People are asking, how long can we expect the end time madness to go on? Are we still right before the dawn of the new Golden Age?

Cobra: I would not give any dates or any time frames because this is actually a question when the Event will happen, which of course, I cannot answer. I think by describing this Bubble Rising phase, we have a pretty good understanding of where we are in the liberation process.

Debra: Has the coronavirus pandemic slowed this phase down? Will a successful meditation on April 4/5 speed this phase up?

Cobra: Actually the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the process towards the Event because the Light Forces in their effort to stop the virus have accelerated the clearing of the plasma plane so much that the Event will basically happen sooner than expected.

Debra: Oh wonderful! And I'm sure our meditation will help that along as well!

Cobra: Yes, yes.

Debra: In the notes for the Ascension Conference in Taipei last year, it indicates that in addition to the toplet bombs being removed, the surface population needs to be ready before the Event can happen. What kind of readiness is needed and does it have to do with this upcoming meditation?

Cobra: Actually, the surface population had achieved this readiness with this global quarantine training. This training, this experience, has proved that the surface population is ready. So when everything else is ready, the surface population will be able to handle the Event—actually will be able to handle the Event better than it was originally expected, so this is the good news as a result of all those mass lockdowns around the planet.

Debra: Wow, yay humanity! Do the Light Forces conduct a psychological assessment of each lightworker or human being? And if this assessment is not satisfactory, will it affect the Event/ascension timeline? Or, as you just said, we were sort of proving ourselves as being ready?

Cobra: I would say the behavior of key lightworkers in key moments can definitely influence the timeline quite much. It has been proven many times in the past. Certain people have drastically improved the situation, while certain people who could have improved the situation have, to put it mildly, completely screwed up. So both things did happen a lot. Light Forces, of course, have psychological evaluations of key people. They have to constantly adapt their plans, certain aspects of their plans because most of their plans are not dependent on the surface population, but certain aspects of them are. They need to evaluate and constantly adapt their plans regarding the actions of certain key people to a certain degree.

Debra: Will some starseeds and lightworkers be going up to ships temporarily for training and healing prior to the Event?

Cobra: Not physically, but in your dreams. you might have a nice experience on the motherships already.

Debra: How is it determined who will have these experiences?

Cobra: Those who are ready and those who will, of course, assist in the plan of the planetary liberation. This is not a curious thing. It's mission-oriented.

Debra: If this happened to us, would we have recollection of this happening?

Cobra: Depending on the case. Some people would have recollections, some would not. Certain aspects of memory would be removed before you come back into the physical body for security purposes.

Debra: A lot of people are having dreams about being on ships or visions.

Cobra: Exactly, yes.

Debra: I’d like to ask you about ascension. Does this window still close in 2025?

Cobra: As I said, the Event is expected to happen before the end of 2025. That is the goal.

Debra: The Event, but not necessarily Ascension.

Cobra: Ascension is a process. It is not something that would happen overnight.

Debra: Right. Is the plan still to have three waves of ascension?

Cobra: Yes.

Debra: How long after the event will the first wave occur?

Cobra: It is expected, I would say, one or two years after the Event.

Debra: I know we're all in the Ascension process right now, but you're saying some of these waves could potentially happen after 2025?

Cobra: Yes, it's possible.

Debra: Is there anything we can do to speed that up closer?

Cobra: As I have said, what is important now is to participate in mass meditations. It is also important, especially for the lightworkers and lightwarriors, is to cooperate and don't fight with each other.

Of course, I have repeated that hundreds and hundreds of times. Many are not listening to this, so I don't know even why I should answer questions like this anymore.

Debra: Ha, right? Is there anything lightworkers can do on a daily basis to help manifest the Event timeline, to prepare themselves for the Event, for ascension? You mentioned going in nature, meditating—is there anything else you can suggest?

Cobra: I would say listen to their higher guidance and really act upon it. Do not have just a theoretical concept. Really connect with your higher self, and when you get your guidance, do it.

Debra: What about transmuting our fears and shadows? That work is quite important to do right now, right?

Cobra: Yes. Regarding transmuting shadows, I would say be sincere with yourself. Do not lie to yourself. Admit things to yourself, and then you will have the opportunity to transmute it.

Debra: How do we continue to hold the light if we are doing deep trauma healing work?

Cobra: Actually, as a result of deep trauma healing work, more light always comes. So when you're in the middle of a clearing process, it might feel that everything is dark and there is no hope and there is no light. But after you just persevere and you are just a witness to the process and you don't identify yourself with the process and just persevere, you will discover that each time you clear one layer of trauma, more light is present within you.

Debra: What about if you have repressed memories of trauma? Is it necessary for those memories to be revealed to fully heal?

Cobra: I would say a certain critical mass of memory needs to be given back. I will not say every particular detail, but you need to have a basic understanding of your timeline of how your life went and what happened.

Debra: Is there a way to access some of these repressed memories?

Cobra: Yes, there are many ways to access them, but I will not go into detail. This is something for a qualified therapist to discuss.

Debra: OK, I understand. This question was received several times, and I would like to ask it since my mother recently transitioned. Are things less challenging now for the human souls on the non-physical planes since the clearance of negative entities on those planes has been accelerated? What happens to those who die before the Event?

Cobra: Yes, conditions on higher planes have improved. It is not as dark as it was. So for those who have transitioned from the physical existence, now things are getting progressively better.

Debra: Are they going back into the reincarnation cycle or are they kind of being held until the Event?

Cobra: I would say a small percentage of them chooses to incarnate again or they are tricked/persuaded to incarnate again, depending on their position. But most of them are staying on higher planes, waiting for the transition to occur.

Debra: OK, wonderful. Many people are experiencing physical problems. They tend to feel tired or emotionally out of control, some have heart palpitations or insomnia. Are these symptoms of energy cleanup before ascension, or are they attacks? What can we do to deal with these issues?

Cobra: It's a combination of all of this. There are still implants, biochips, scalar technology, and entities. But there's also a purification process taking place, so all this has an impact on the physical body. Again, one of the keys here is to spend some time in nature because then you can reconnect with the pure crystalline energy and can help both your energy field and your physical body.

Debra: So get outside people! I know we’ve talked about a lot today, but I just have a few more questions regarding Sisterhood of the Rose. One question that has come up very often is how can Sisterhood of the Rose groups continue to hold weekly meetings if their area is in lockdown?

Cobra: Of course now in a situation like this, you cannot have physical things obviously. But what can we do? We still can have meetings on Skype, Zoom, or whatever you're using to connect.

Debra: So doing these virtual meetings, is there something additional we can do to keep our impact strong and maintain the Goddess vortex?

Cobra: You can use the same protocol as for the physical meetings.

Debra: OK. And we’ll still be able to keep the vortex active and still continue to do our work?

Cobra: Yes, yes.

Debra: What can Sisterhood of the Rose groups do to stabilize the most positive ascension timeline and terminate the coronavirus outbreak?

Cobra: What is necessary for the participants is to invoke Goddess energy. Not just in the moment of meditation, but also in daily life to spread positive Goddess principles wherever they go.

Debra: Oh I love that, I love that! Are there any particular Ascended masters or Goddesses we should call upon to assist?

Cobra: It is up to you.

Debra: OK, we have access to all of them, so you’re saying if you have a personal connection to call upon those. What can we do to attract Soul families to us in this current world … or will this prove to continue to be a challenge until after the Event?

Cobra: You can use the Goddess vortex meditation which can also attract your soulmates and soul families. But unfortunately before the Event, many of those people are compromised. They are not awakened and they are under control. It proves to be a challenge until the moment of the Event to a great degree.

Debra: And one last question, Cobra. You have said that, “The world as we know it has ended.” What words of encouragement can you share that would decrease our fear regarding current—and potential future—challenges and chaos that we are facing during this end time madness, words of hope and inspiration?

Cobra: You can see this current epidemic situation as a global purification process. Humanity as a whole has to face their fears. Humanity was almost completely in denial about almost everything. What is happening now is acknowledging the truth. Humanity is facing the mirror which is an extremely healing experience, although it is quite challenging, the result of this will be a much healthier society. The result of this will be the foundation will be laid for the real grounded, balanced Age of Aquarius, and this is what we all want.

Debra: Absolutely! And again, our meditation is coming up April 4th and 5th, check your time zone for that. Cobra, we’re excited to reach critical mass—actually let's reach a million people for this meditation, yes?

Cobra: Yes, let’s reach one million people, why not? Everything is possible. One million people meditating, that will be awesome. This will be something that the Light Forces will see as a sign, a beautiful sign, that we are ready for the next step.

Debra: Absolutely, and we can play a very, very important role during this very important time in the history of the universe!

Cobra: Yes, Exactly.

Debra: Alright well, thank you so much today Cobra, we have enjoyed this very much and appreciate all of the information and… Victory of the Light, thank you!

Cobra: Victory of the Light!